Norwest’s Feature Friday: Danielle Springer

“Part of Norwest’s culture is that jobs don’t really have specific outlines and we all just help each other out."
At Norwest, we are extremely fortunate to have an amazing team. To honor them, we have created a program to feature one member of our staff each month for our website news #featurefriday column. For the month of February our Featured Employee is the very talented, Danielle Springer.
I had the wonderful opportunity to chat with Danielle and her supervisor (Marcy McCoy), earlier this month about her unique perspective on Norwest and what she enjoys most about working here. According to Marcy, taking ownership and fulfillment are two of Norwest's values that Danielle demonstrates most strongly on and off the job. “She has a tremendously high bar for herself and takes great pride in doing a great job. I find it absolutely stunning she is able to balance her full-time job, family, and interests.”
Chelsea (C): "Danielle thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today. I want to start off by getting a better understanding of your background in the industry. I know that you have been the Norwest Portland office for some time and I’m curious about your history with the team."
Danielle (D): "Sure, well I have been with Norwest for 11 years now and prior to that I was with JBAK and they mostly contracted with Norwest."
C: "Oh Wow! I had no idea you had been with us for that long. What made you decide to come over to Norwest?"
D: "Actually, Norwest bought out JBAK and just brought us all on directly. We were such a small company, only about 4 people and we all were working closely with Norwest so not that much changed."
C: "I had no idea Norwest had ever merged with another company. Are there other folks in the office who came over with you?"
D: "I think the only ones left are Tim and Terry."
C: "Did you move over to the same role when they merged?"
D: "Not at first. I was mostly doing the accounting in my previous role. Mostly accounts payable and receivable at the time and when I came over to Norwest they moved me more into a front desk role. I also helped with the business development team and assisted with proposals. I think that they really wanted me to go in that direction but when I came back from my first maternity leave I went back to accounting. I’ve been in that position for about nine years now."
“I think if you’re going to make a change it has to be in a positive direction."
C: "How has the role changed over the years?"
D: "I started mostly just with invoicing but over time took over payroll as well."
C: "That’s right! You launched that whole new system this year."
D: "We actually have had the system for a while just hadn’t made the whole upgrade yet. When we upgraded our accounting system it came with the new system but I wanted to ease folks into it. I think if you’re going to make a change it has to be in a positive direction. I wanted to make sure that the new system was a plus."
C: "I really like that. I know change is not always easy but I think you hit the nail on the head with that one.
Changing direction just a little bit, I’m curious, what is something you appreciate about Norwest and has kept you here over the years."
D: "Norwest is so flexible with my schedule and it seems like a small thing but just being able to leave early and pick up my kids from school means everything. I can attend all of their school functions and love knowing that I have the freedom to do that as long as I'm getting the job done."
C: "I am also a big fan of being able to work from home. Do you take advantage of that often?"
D: "I like to do that as often as I can. I have a home office but most of the time I end up with all the paperwork spread out on the kitchen table. My husband even made fun of me the other day when he came home and saw my piles. But I like having the space to spread out and being more central so I can hear if the kids need anything."

C: "I know I am very grateful for a flexible schedule and remote option. It makes life so much easier, I can’t even imagine how much that helps with the boys. Is that your favorite aspect of your role?"
D: "I also really like knowing that I have control over my daily activities and I really like figuring out problems. Like I love to dive into the issue and figure it out."
C: "Norwest does pride itself on being creative problem solvers so I have no surprise there."
D: "Yeah, I just really like uncovering the issue and being able to solve it."
C: "With that in mind, which Norwest value would you say you embody the most and why?"
D: "Probably integrity and taking ownership. I’m not afraid to admit when I made a mistake and take ownership of fixing it. I am never going to blame someone or say it’s not my problem. Part of Norwest’s culture is that jobs don’t really have specific outlines and we all just help each other out."
C: "I know that I ask you for assistance a lot and you never turn me away. I appreciate that so much!"
D: "And I never will. If it’s something I can help with then I’m going to help."
C: "So when you aren’t in the office, saving us all, what is something you enjoy?"
D: "My kids keep me pretty busy. They are really involved in sports and are very athletic. It takes up a lot of time but it is so fun to see them excited and doing well. I also always like to plan a getaway with my husband for the summer. This year is Disneyland with the kids but in past years we have gone on cruises and stuff. I like having something to look forward to."
C: "I always like to close by asking what some of us at Norwest would never guess about you."
D: "I know and I thought about this question because I am such an open book, but I would guess most people don’t know that I really like playing poker. We mostly Texas hold’em and Omaha."
C: "Is it something you grew up playing with the family?"
D: "Not really but my brothers-in-law and husband would get together a lot and play at the house. I could have been annoyed or just join in, so I made them teach me to play years ago and it has become a regular thing. I prefer smaller groups where I know the people because I know how they play and what they are doing. It’s hard to tell if someone is bluffing if you don’t know them that well."
C: "That’s amazing! Is there anything you would like to add?"
D: "Not really, just that I really appreciate you putting these together. It’s so much fun to read about everyone and learn more about them. You work with these people every day so it’s fun to get to know them better."
C: "Aw thanks! Yeah, I have really enjoyed the process. Thanks again for taking the time and allowing us to feature you!"

Interview by
Chelsea Bracken
Business Development - Southwest
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P: 909.702.0976